Probiotics are the rage among health fanatics for one reason: There is a lot of new research on the benefits of bacteria. Early research has looked at the effects of probiotics on everything from cancer to heart disease and the immune system, showing evidence that regular intake of probiotics can reduce the risk of certain diseases. But what about probiotic drinks, and are they the best way to get your daily dose?
How to Choose the Best Probiotic Drink for You
When looking for a high-quality probiotic drink, you should look for a product that contains a variety of strains and an adequate dosage level for each of those strains. The potency of a product should be clearly stated on the packaging, and a good rule of thumb is that it should contain at least 10 billion colony-forming units (CFU) per serving. A number of the foods on our list also have added benefits, including prebiotic fiber and vitamins and minerals from green superfoods. You can get several additional benefits beyond probiotics by choosing a multi-faceted supplement.
What Probiotic Drinks Can — and Can’t — Do
Probiotics can’t
perform magical miracles in minutes. If you’re hoping that a probiotic drink will help you “detox” after a delightful weekend or “cleanse your system” so you feel more regular, know that taking any probiotic won’t result in instant bowel movements as it does. Laxative notes Palinsky-Wade. “However, over some time, regular consumption can help improve regularity, reduce bloating, and combat constipation,” she says.
Probiotics can
Be a good addition to your training program. Regularly engaging in strenuous exercise can overwhelm your immune system and make your body more susceptible to infections. Since probiotics can help boost the immune system, regular consumption of probiotics can benefit athletes and exercisers alike, Palinsky-Wade says. And drinks with probiotics can be a great option for recharging after a workout, especially if you’re on the go.
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